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First Half of the Year Recap and Comeback

Long time no speak everyone. I have sadly had a lot going on in my life lately so I have let this blog slip away. I am going to try and hav...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Director: Peter Landesman
Writers: Peter Landesman, Jeanne Marie Laskas
Stars: Will Smith, Alec Baldwin, Albert Brooks

Pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu discovers the connection of football players and brain damage they suffer due to their years of play.

A movie like Concussion is both rewarding and frustrating at the same time. I can't tell if it's a little too short or a little too long, because everything outside of the science ordeal is kinda shady in its pacing and structure. I can't tell if they shouldn't have bothered and made a pretty great one and a half hour long film or made a two and a half film and improved the life story they were trying to tell of Dr. Omalu. The saving grace in this movie is Will Smith, his performance is one of the best this year and I can see why he was nominated for it compared to nothing else with this film.
The film's plot is interesting, and whenever they're just doing the science and concussion stuff, it's very interesting, but then they add stuff to it that shows off what's happening in his life at the same time this discovery is taking place and it feels disjointed and rushed.

Rating: 3.5 stars

Recommendation: Honestly if Will Smith didn't give the performance he gave than I might not have enjoyed it at all, and might go on to have said that this was just like any other sport documentary true story type of shindig. But because for the most part it is interesting and Will Smith's performance shines brightly, this film is worth at least a rental.

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