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Friday, January 15, 2016

Ride Along 2

Director: Tim Story
Writers: Phil Hay, Matt Hanfredi
Stars: Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, Olivia Munn, Ken Jeong

James and Ben head down to Miami to stop a drug dealer supplying Atlanta dealers.

Oh boy. This movie is basically what 22 Jump Street could have been. This movie takes everything that made the first one fun and exciting, and just retreads it in a lazy fashion. Honestly if Ice Cube and Kevin Hart wasn't in this, then I don't think this would even be put in theaters. It only goes through the motions that we've seen not only in the first movie, but any buddy cop movie made... ever.
I did find some laughs though, and again, Ice Cube and Kevin Hart I feel like have great chemistry together, that's why I'm even saying it's worth a watch. I just hope that when the sequel comes out, if one does, that they actually try and bring something new to the table and make it a blast to watch much like the first movie was.

Rating: 3 stars

Recommendation: Rent it, or wait till DVD or something if you really liked the first one, because you're just getting more of the same from that one, but not nearly as good.

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